Kamis, 16 Juni 2016

Ahok introduces ‘Smart City’ program in Jakarta Fair

Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama showed off the Smart City program in the opening of the 2016 Jakarta Fair on Friday to demonstrate to visitors the city administration’s utilization of information technologies.
“This is what I want conducted at the fair. I don’t want to see the administration only selling products, like traditional food, to visitors. Jakarta shall introduce to the public the applications it has, which can make the life of the Jakartans or people who want to visit this city easier and better,” Ahok said at the Jakarta Smart City monitoring  room at the Jakarta International Expo center in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, on Friday.
Ahok, who has become a “selfie magnet” for visitors, hoped that the public could familiarize themselves and utilize the Jakarta Smart City system because it would be helpful for them. For example, visitors could use the system to check public bus schedules and places where they could find healthy meals in the city. The Jakarta Smart City program also offered an electronic library program accessible by the public, Ahok said.
Besides the program, Ahok also introduced the mobile application Qlue at Friday’s event.
“You can use Qlue to report your subdistrict head if they are not performing,” the governor said.
The Jakarta Fair is scheduled to take place from June 10 to July 17 to celebrate the 489th anniversary of the city. It is expected that more than 5 million people will visit this event.

Source : http:www.thejakartapost.co.id

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